Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation’s Awakening to Reading and Writing Survey

You are invited to  participate in a survey about  the role of early literacy plays in your work with children and their families. 

In recognition of your time, survey respondents will have a chance to enter a draw to  win one of five $ 50 VISA gift cards. 

This survey is being conducted by the  Canadian Child Care Federation  in partnership with the  Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation  (CCLF). We would like to better understand:

  • your perspective on the role and impact of early literacy in children’s early years 
  • your experience with early literacy during your educational training and professional development
  • how often you use early literacy activities with the children you work with
  • your communications with families about early literacy
  • your interest on professional development on early literacy

Your survey responses will be shared with the CCLF however your personal information required for the draw at the end of the survey, will not be shared or included in any reports. The response data will be used to help inform professional development learning opportunities and resources for early learning professionals. Data from this survey may be shared in CCLF’s e-bulletin communications, for reporting purposes and to support their advocacy work for increasing early literacy in the early years.
The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. Your views and experiences are valued. 

Take Survey Now