Child and Family Programs offer access to culturally relevant early years programs and services for First Nation children and families on reserve. Programs provide increased opportunities for First Nation children to learn about their culture and language from an early age.

  • Drop-in programs and other services that build responsive adult-child relationships, encourage children’s exploration, and promote play and inquiry based on the pedagogy in How Does Learning Happen?
  • Programs cultivate authentic, caring relationships and connections that create a sense of belonging.
  • Assist parents and caregivers in accessing services and supports that respond to a family’s unique needs.

Program delivery include:

  • centre-based (e.g., family drop-in program delivered throughout the week at the same location),
  • delivered on the land (e.g. snowshoeing, fishing, berry picking)
  • mobile delivery approach (e.g., outreach – community gyms).


Child and Family Program contact information for each of the 4 regions are included in the Supervisor Network directories located on the Regional Network pages.

We are pleased to introduce you to the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Indigenous Led EarlyOn centre. (pdf)


Operational Guidance During COVID-19 Outbreak August 2021 Version 4.0 First Nations Child and Family Programs (1123 downloads )


Dad Central

Dad’s Time Management

First Nations Health Authority

Traditional Medicines

Family Connections


Infant and Early Mental Health

FASD and the Role of ECE’s

Virtual Activities for Families

We invite you to share resources you may have created or accessed.

Tips for Recording Virtual Storytimes due to COVID-19

Virtual Bingo

Making Bannock