First Nation Early Learning programs engage in culturally appropriate learning that take into account cultures, languages, traditions, values and customs of our respective communities across Ontario. We are creating a child’s cultural identity.

Ribbon Skirt Month New!

Photo submitted by Kasabonika Ombigiaa Aawasoon Child Care Centre

We invite you to share your resources.

First Strawberries Book Read Along

Naasaab – New!
(An Ojibway Language Immersion – Dice Game)
Developed by: Edwin C. Taylor (Kaangaadese) Dgwaagi 2018            Revised : Dgwaagi 2023

Naasaab Flash Cards – New!

Developed by:  Edwin C. Taylor

Medicine Wheel Publishing creates award winning, culturally authentic Indigenous books, resources and tools specialized for moral and cultural education. Each book teaches a positive moral message designed to invite all children, youth and adults to engage and participate in culture with authenticity and respect.

Pass The Feather Link.  As a survivor of Indigenous child apprehension, Dawn understands that not everyone has access to teachings, community or Elders. She was taught to share and that learning should always be free. Dawn offers everyone free resources and downloads on important ways of knowing.  Visit her website for great resources, some free and others you can purchase for great prices.

13 Grandmother Moons Resource – New!!

April is Ribbon Skirt Month Resource – New!!

Mohawk Language Nursery Songs with Kristi Talbot

Oneida Nest has numerous videos on Youtube

Anishinaabemowin Facebook Group

Anishinaabemowin Speaking Challenge Facebook Group – NEW RESOURCE

Aamjiwnaang Language App NEW RESOURCE

Mississauga Nation

Mohawk Language Learners



We Give Our Thanks Book written by Sara General **NEW RESOURCE**

We give our thanks indigenous author to book






Click on the images below to visit other webpages with great cultural and language resources.
Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre
Ojibway and Cree Cultural Centre_
kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre
Ojibwe Language Project
Oneida Language Logo
Theytus Books
Ontario Aboriginal Head Start Association Logo