Congratulations to graduates of the Early Childhood Education Diploma Program!

Aaniin my name is Jessica Taylor. I am from Curve Lake First Nation. I recently graduated from First Nation Technical Institute and received my diploma with Canadore College studying Early Childhood Education in June 2024. Some of the highlights from the past two years have been excellent experiences. Graduating with my classmates in Early Childhood Education has been a significant milestone to pursue for my community and my family, achieving strong bonds formed with peers and gaining practical experiences through the daycare settings and school settings. I specialized new knowledge in childhood development and pedagogy. My hopes for the future as an ECE, I plan to gain professional development and continuous learning and growth, staying updated with the latest teaching strategies. Having an impactful teaching, making a positive impact on children’s lives fostering a love for learning and setting a strong foundation for their future generations and my desire to contribute towards the field of the Early Childhood Education.
Jessica Taylor

Seven Generations Education Institute
My story begins with what led me into the ECE work field and the reasons why I started. The fact of working with children in high school for my co-op course for my grade 12 opened my eyes in realizing I loved being around children and helping them grow and learn, so they could develop into their own people for the future. My teachers and supervisors all told me how well I work with the children and pushed me to further my education in this field thus leading me on an incredible journey to help myself learn about how children can develop in different ways. I always enjoyed learning about the different ways a child developed into their own individual learning ways. Another thing I enjoyed was learning about how we can fully support each child with different activities and strategies taught to us. The most important thing I enjoyed was how the courses expanded my mindset and teaching abilities so that I’m capable of helping each child learn and in the future my own. The support I most valued was my parents, friends, and my teacher Marlis Bruyere because they helped me through tough times and were understanding when I was down. They showed me and taught me it was okay to take a break and talk about my feelings, questions, and anything else. They continued to support me on my 2-year journey with this work field. I am blessed to have their full support in everything I have done and will continue to accomplish.