Centralized Support System

RE:  Ministry Funded First Nation Child Care & Child and Family Programs on reserve

The ministry is moving to a centralized support model for support from the Early Years Advisory Services Unit.

You may submit questions regarding funding/service system planning for child care and early years implementation through the centralized support model using the following link: Early Years Support Request  The Early Years Advisory Services Unit (EYASU) will monitor the incoming requests and coordinate the responses with the appropriate branches.

Effective immediately, please use the following email addresses for submissions to the ministry, as applicable;

Licensed First Nation Child Care Centres meet and maintain specific provincial standards set out in Ontario Regulation 137/15 General. These standards address items that affect quality in licensed child care centres, such as staff/child ratios, physical environment, staff qualifications, and children’s health and wellbeing.

The Child Care and Early Years Act 2014 (Bill 10)

On August 31, 2015, the Child Care and Early Years Act came into effect. For further information about the rules and regulations under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014:


Provincial Licensing

Licensed child care programs must meet and maintain specific provincial standards set out in the Child Care & Early Years Act, 2014. These standards provide for the health, safety and developmental needs of the children.

At least once a year, staff of the Ministry of Education make unannounced inspections of all licensed child care programs to:

  • make sure that provincial standards are being met
  • issue and renew licenses
  • investigate complaints
  • monitor operators who are having difficulty meeting licensing standards.

Licensing reports for all home-based and centre based licensed child care programs are available on the find licensed child care site.

Information for Licensees

Licensed Child Care in Ontario

Child Care in Ontario


Child Care Licensing System (CCLS): reference guide for applicants and licensees

All the documents/videos (and descriptions) are available on the Portal for download.