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Our Journey Together: Enhancing Our Knowledge, Culture and Traditions

February 26 - February 27

Our Journey Together Gathering: Enhancing Our Knowledge, Culture and Traditions – First Nation Early Learning Collaboration Website

The Provincial Child and Family Program planning committee members for the 5th annual Our Journey Together Gathering are happy to announce this year’s theme is Enhancing Our Knowledge, Culture and Traditions. We are thrilled to invite you to this fantastic event to come together to learn, celebrate and collaborate! The planning committee are excited to share this experience with you on Wednesday, February 26 and Thursday, February 27, 2025 in the City of Thunder Bay.

We have an exciting 2 day program lined up for registrants! Featured keynote speakers are Faith Hale, Ska:Na Family Learning Centre, Stephanie Michano-Drover and Debbie Crosson, Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Children and Family Learning Centre. We are honoured to have these esteemed educators share their knowledge! In addition, there are interactive sessions with opportunities for networking and collaboration facilitated by Darcy Jones, Waking Up Ojibway-Language Immersion Program and Meagan McLeod, Oshki Wenjack Education Institute.

Register here



February 26
February 27


Oliver Road Community Centre, Thunder Bay, ON
563 Oliver Rd
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 2H2 Canada
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