Our lineup of amazing presenters is awe inspiring – We know you’ll be excited to meet them! It’s time for us to come together, live and learn together, and share our knowledge and gifts!

Kelly Massaro-Joblin

After 40 years of working in the Early Years and Child Care profession I recently retired as an Early Years Advisor from the Early Years Division of the Ministry of Education. During my professional career I was fortunate to experience many exciting opportunities that challenged my thinking and opened up new ways for me to view the world.  As an Early Years Advisor with the Ministry of Education I had the opportunity to be a part of the development and implementation of “How Does Learning Happen?  Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years”, Full day Kindergarten in Ontario as well as working closely with First Nation Communities and Service System Managers to support a child care and early years system  throughout Ontario. I have also travelled to Reggio Emilia, Italy to participate in 3 study tours in 2002, 2008 and most recently in 2018. As part of my new chapter in life I continue to learn more deeply about the principles of the Reggio Emilia approach to early learning.  Currently I sit on the Ontario Reggio Association Board of Directors and I am working as an early year’s consultant. Relationships are important to me and continuing to contribute to the early years is both a privilege and passion I keep close to my heart and head.

Stephanie Michano-Drover

Stephanie Michano-Drover, RECE, is an Ojibway educator from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation, Ontario. She is the early childhood supervisor at the Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Children and Family Learning Centre. With many years in the early learning sector, Stephanie has experience designing and building culturally responsive child care programs and supporting educators, children, and families living in her First Nation community.

Todd Genno

Todd Genno is an Anishinaabe man from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River First Nation). Todd currently works at a band rep for child welfare for his community. Todd is a pow-wow singer, a woodland dancer and can be heard MCing at the local pow-wows in the Thunder Bay area. Todd is a proud father of 4 children and has worked hard to break the intergenerational traumas to give his children a better life. Todd is also a stand-up comedian and uses his gift of storytelling and humour in hopes to make people feel good about their life.

Monique Mercier

Monique Mercier is the founder of Kindful Psychology Services, which was born out of a vision for creating a space for individuals to explore the ‘not-so-often talked about’ aspects of our human experience with curiosity and kindness. Monique is a psychological associate registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. She is also a trained 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion and 6-week Self-Compassion for Healthcare Communities teacher through the Centre for Mindful Self-Compassion. Monique has a decade of experience in working with adults struggling with stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Elder Brenda Mason