A solid understanding of child development is essential for educators. (HDLH p.17)
Hanen Centre
Language and Literacy Tips April 2024.pdf
Language & Literacy Tips – Talk About What Could Happen Next (The Hanen Centre)
What Stands In the Way of Successful Peer Play
The Brain Story Certification
The University of Oxford, in partnership with the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative, is working to share knowledge about the science of brain development for families and professionals. This is important information for everybody to understand how our earliest experiences can affect our long-term mental and physical health.
Circle of Security International – Early Intervention Program for Parents and Children
Visit the website to learn more about this program and resources!
Autism Ontario What Is Autism? Visit sites for numerous resources!
Allergy Aware (NEW) Interested in FREE courses? Visit this website.
K12 A Child Becomes Strong 2020 (1627 downloads ) The manual was created to offer culturally specific teachings and information about Ontario First Nations child development/child rearing to service providers who work with young First Nations families.
F-Words Training Program (NEW) F-words for Child Development
Family, Fun, Friends, Functioning, Fitness, and Future – give us a new way to think about how children grow and develop. They help us think about the things that children CAN do versus what they cannot do and how to focus on their strengths.
College of Early Childhood Educators – Practice Guideline on Child Development (NEW)
This resource is framed around the understanding that each child develops in unique ways and within diverse family structures, communities and cultures. It is also grounded in the idea that educators, families and communities are partners in supporting children’s development.
The OT Toolbox (NEW)
The OT Toolbox is YOUR therapy toolbox, filled with tools for occupational therapy activities, OT interventions, and child development resources.
Designed to support the healthy development of children, you’ll discover hands-on OT activities, tools for therapists, and intervention ideas to support kids, as well as the OT professionals, educators, and parents that strive to help kids thrive.
The Merit Centre (New)
Understood What is ADHD? Visit this site to learn more.
Dental Care for Children This website has many resources to share with families about dental care.
A Parent’s Guide to Vaccinations
Parents are responsible for the well-being of their children, including protecting them from illness caused by diseases that are vaccine-preventable. Learn about vaccination and why it is important to your child’s health.
A checklist for parents: To help you see if your child’s growth and development is on track, take a look at the Looksee Checklist. This checklist is available for Ontario parents at no charge.
Information from Canada’s pediatricians.
This brochure offers simple guidelines regarding key communication skills children typically acquire by a certain age.
Speech & Language Hearing Milestones
This information is helpful for use with all language learners.
How to help your child learn new words
Articles & Videos (We welcome submissions!)
Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five | TED Talk
Why You Should Consider Taking Children’s Naptime Outside (submitted by Rankin Day Care)
Nearly everyone utilizes some form of visual schedule to stay organized. Many individuals with special needs benefit from visual schedules in written and / or picture form because they have trouble processing verbally delivered information, initiating activities, staying focused, completing every step within a task, and shifting focus between one activity and the next. Visual schedules can increase independence and also reduce anxiety for many individuals with special needs. Visual schedules are often vital to the individual’s performance in school, vocational, self-care, and leisure activities.