Outdoor Spaces

In recognition of the importance of outdoor play and natural environments to children’s healthy development, well-being and learning, programs have space available for active outdoor play.  In licensed centres adult-child ratio is maintained to provide interaction needed to assist children in developing outdoor physical, social, and language skills. In child and family programs, land-based activities are a natural addition to programming.

Risk-Benefit Assessment for Outdoor Play: A Canadian Toolkit. 

Thrive Outside.  Visit this site to download resources in the language of your choice.

Home – ActivePlay.ca for Early Childhood Educators (ECEs)

Children At Play In The Great Outdoors

Indoor Spaces

Early learning environments that are alive with possibilities, support children’s learning, welcome and engage educators, children and their families. Rich and inviting environments help children develop curiosity, creativity and problem solving skills. In licensed childcare programs, children require adequate space to engage in indoor activity.  Activity rooms include moveable equipment and furnishings used for children’s play (e.g., easels, tables, chairs, shelving, sensory bins).

Staff collaborate with others to create engaging environments and experiences to foster children’s learning and development. (HDLH)

Ten Things Children Learn From Block Play (pdf)

The Block Centre In Child Care (pdf)

Supporting Children to Learn Through Play (pdf)

We invite you to share photos of your outdoor and indoor learning environments.

trees in a back yard
Photo submitted by Sabitise Vision Child Care
Forest with Tress stump carved chairs
Photo submitted by Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Children & Family Learning Centre

Role of the Educator